
Archive for the ‘Nine Mile Pond’ Category

Uncle Euclid’s Camp

Nine Mile Pond is a special place for me because my family used to spend a lot of time here at my Uncle Euclid’s camp. His camp was a great big white house with a nice big front porch overlooking the pond. The kids didn’t spend much time in the house as there was a great beach and diving dock. Seems all my memories are great times with my family and all the aunt’s uncles and cousins. Tubing and cannonballs off the dock. We were in the water most of the time but there was also the greatest hammock and great big picnic table and stone fireplace for an occasional picnic. It’s a short drive from Chicopee and on the way the best memories are signing silly songs and stopping at State Line Potato Chip factory to get a “fresh” bag of chips! They were the greatest!

The Other Side!

We rarely boated, the canoe always stayed in the garage L But when we were a little older I do remember water skiing on the lake. It was like glass compared to the first time I got up on water skis on the ocean. Those good times came to an end after Uncle Euclid and Aunt Lillian pasted away sadly. The property is still in their family so a couple of years after I began kayaking I returned here with my brother Don and we found there was plenty of water to kayak on for a small pond and being out looking back towards shore and the old camp sure put a different perspective on things. On a sunny Sunday summer morning it’s the most peaceful place in the world. Especially round the bend of the pond where there are fewer houses and more Lilly Pads and Cat Tails. I’ve been back here several times and once came alone with a good book for some quite time. I was reading John Adams. What a man, what a life!

Great Blue on takeoff

We have lift-off!

I guess I was surprised to find Great Blue Herons hanging out here, never saw one all the time we swam here, oh yeah, we probably scared them all away with our yelling, diving and splashing!!! Oh what fun it was. I don’t think there would have been a way for my parents to keep 6 to 14 kids quiet enough for a Great Blue to visit!

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